If you are looking for great new free independent music review content for your website or blog, it's now available in the form of a brand new 'Artist Review' widget from MyMusicSuccess.Com.
By copying and pasting the widget code on your site, you'll receive fresh content automatically from top review writers, who cover the latest and best bands in Pop, Rock, Country, Dance, Jazz, and many more genres.
Every time a new artist review appears on the MyMusicSuccess site the widget will be updated automatically on every site it appears on out on the internet, and users will be able to simply click on the artist's picture to be taken to the MyMusicSuccess artist feature, where the viewer will be able to read about the music and click through to digital download stores to buy the tracks.
Artists are rotated randomly in the main window, with every artist featured in the Thumbnail bar, so users can scroll through all artists and view more.
Look out for the MyMusicSuccess featured artist widget coming to a music site near you soon!
By copying and pasting the widget code on your site, you'll receive fresh content automatically from top review writers, who cover the latest and best bands in Pop, Rock, Country, Dance, Jazz, and many more genres.
Every time a new artist review appears on the MyMusicSuccess site the widget will be updated automatically on every site it appears on out on the internet, and users will be able to simply click on the artist's picture to be taken to the MyMusicSuccess artist feature, where the viewer will be able to read about the music and click through to digital download stores to buy the tracks.
Artists are rotated randomly in the main window, with every artist featured in the Thumbnail bar, so users can scroll through all artists and view more.
Look out for the MyMusicSuccess featured artist widget coming to a music site near you soon!