The announcement forges a strong music press & publicity partnership between the two sites, enabling MyMusicSuccess clients to expand the reach of their news stories to more media outlets through the extensive worldwide coverage of Mi2N media partners , as well as bringing up to the minute breaking news on all the latest music industry developments including band news, latest releases, music technology updates, radio and video news, music business announcements, and much more to the MyMusicSuccess.Com network.
Mi2N (Music Industry News Network) is the largest online daily newswire serving the music industry. Since 1998, Mi2N has kept professionals worlwide informed on the latest developments shaping their sector by covering nearly every facet of the industry, from new business models and technological innovations to up-&-coming artists and emerging trends. Simulatneously, it has become a leading PR resource for major and independent music companies around the world
MyMusicSuccess.Com co-founder Simon Adams said today "This is a great partnership, and we are proud to be linking up with the Music PR industry leader, Mi2N CEO Eric de Fontenay and his team really know how to work the PR circuit for independent artists, and the newswire is going to add immense value to the artists who use our promotional services."
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